Category: Senza categoria

Statistical Physics of Living Systems workshop

On May 4-5, 2023 we held the workshop Statistical Physics of Living Systems. The meeting, organised by the SBP group in Trento, aimed at enabling and fostering the interaction with the Quantitative Life Sciences group at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. In this occasion, the two group presented …

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Single molecule structure and topology of kDNA networks

Single-Molecule Structure and Topology of Kinetoplast DNA NetworksPinyao He, Allard J. Katan, Luca Tubiana, Cees Dekker, and Davide Michieletto Phys. Rev. X 13, 021010 – Published 19 April 2023 Trypanosomes are unique single-cell parasites: Their mitochondrial genome is made of thousands of DNA minicircles interlinked to form a giant 2D Olympic-ring-like network, known as a “kinetoplast …

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Ciao Pietro!

On March 1st, 2023 our friend, colleague, and SBP group founding member Pietro Faccioli made a big step towards a new phase in his career: the University of Milan Bicocca! The SBP group has dedicated a day to look back to Pietro’s achievements in Trento and wish him all the best for this thrilling change! …

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Fast, Accurate, and System-Specific Variable-Resolution Modeling of Proteins

R. Fiorentini, T. Tarenzi, R. Potestio, Fast, Accurate, and System-Specific Variable-Resolution Modeling of Proteins, J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2023) In recent years, a few multiple-resolution modeling strategies have been proposed, in which functionally relevant parts of a biomolecule are described with atomistic resolution, with the remainder of the system being concurrently treated using a coarse-grained …

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Microscopic chains that mimic DNA

Rings of rings of molecules: how they stretch and twist, and what they can be used for L. Tubiana, F. Ferrari, E. Orlandini “Circular polycatenanes: Supramolecular structures with topologically tunable properties“, Phys. Rev. Lett (2022). Press-release: Italian / English The polymers that make up our bodies, such as proteins and DNA, are molecules made up …

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International Workshop on Complex Systems

The XVI International Workshop on Complex Systems will take place in Andalo from 13 to 17 March 2023. The workshop will point out new directions, challenges and opportunities in the following fields: Andalo is a beautiful village about 30 km far from Trento close to the ski slopes of the Paganella ski area. The program will be interdisciplinary and it will …

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VARIAMOLS/HAMMOCK group retreat 2022

The SBP group members affiliated to the VARIAMOLS and HAMMOCK research projects have gathered in Fontana dei Gai, a mountain lodge near Trento, for a three-days group retreat. This event was aimed at both carrying out research work and team building. The event flyer can be seen here. A few pictures taken during the retreat …

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Making sense of complex systems through resolution, relevance, and mapping entropy

R. Holtzman, M. Giulini, R. Potestio, Making sense of complex systems through resolution, relevance, and mapping entropy, Phys. Rev. E (2022) Complex systems are characterized by a tight, nontrivial interplay of their constituents, which gives rise to a multiscale spectrum of emergent properties. In this scenario, it is practically and conceptually difficult to identify those degrees …

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Information-theoretical measures identify accurate low-resolution representations of protein configurational space

M. Mele, R. Covino, R. Potestio, Information-theoretical measures identify accurate low-resolution representations of protein configurational space, Soft Matter (2022) The steadily growing computational power employed to perform molecular dynamics simulations of biological macromolecules represents at the same time an immense opportunity and a formidable challenge. In fact, large amounts of data are produced, from which useful, …

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Dynamic and facilitated binding of topoisomerase accelerates topological relaxation

D. Michieletto, Y. A. G. Fosado, E. Melas, M. Baiesi, L. Tubiana, E. Orlandini, Dynamic and facilitated binding of topoisomerase accelerates topological relaxation, Nucleic Acids Research (2022) How type 2 Topoisomerase (TopoII) proteins relax and simplify the topology of DNA molecules is one of the most intriguing open questions in genome and DNA biophysics. Most …

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