Luca Tubiana

Author's posts

An introduction to Topology in Soft and Biological Matter

On Friday October 25. at 14.00, Luca Tubiana will give an invited keynote webinar on Cassyni. The seminar will provide a showcase of the review “Topology in Soft and Biological Matter” recently published on Physics Reports, and will be held together with Angelo Rosa, Emanuele Locatelli, Davide Michieletto, Marco di Stefano, Simon Copar and Sophie …

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Single molecule structure and topology of kDNA networks

Single-Molecule Structure and Topology of Kinetoplast DNA NetworksPinyao He, Allard J. Katan, Luca Tubiana, Cees Dekker, and Davide Michieletto Phys. Rev. X 13, 021010 – Published 19 April 2023 Trypanosomes are unique single-cell parasites: Their mitochondrial genome is made of thousands of DNA minicircles interlinked to form a giant 2D Olympic-ring-like network, known as a “kinetoplast …

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Microscopic chains that mimic DNA

Rings of rings of molecules: how they stretch and twist, and what they can be used for L. Tubiana, F. Ferrari, E. Orlandini “Circular polycatenanes: Supramolecular structures with topologically tunable properties“, Phys. Rev. Lett (2022). Press-release: Italian / English The polymers that make up our bodies, such as proteins and DNA, are molecules made up …

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