Curriculum Vitae
After my bachelor in Chemistry from the University of Parma, I obtained my master in Chemistry of Biomolecules from the University of Florence. During my master Thesis, I worked on the investigation of intrinsically disordered proteins by means of innovative and specifically-tailored NMR experiments.
In my Ph.D., I was recipient of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship in the framework of the European Joint Doctorate HPC-LEAP (High-Performance Computing in Life Sciences, Engineering and Physics). I conducted the research in the Department of Physics of RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany) and The Cyprus Institute (Nicosia, Cyprus). This highly interdisciplinary project consisted in the development of a hybrid multiscale molecular dynamics scheme for the investigation of low-resolution membrane protein/ligand complexes of pharmaceutical relevance.
Since May 2019 I have been working as a post-doctoral researcher in the VARIAMOLS research group in the Department of Physics of the University of Trento, where I am exploring the potentialities of new multiscale schemes for the characterization of biologically relevant macromolecules.
My CV is available here.
Research interests
Atomistic and multiscale molecular dynamics, Computational biophysics, Membrane proteins, Protein/ligand complexes.
Email: thomas.tarenzi _AT_ unitn.it
Office phone: (+39) 0461 283367
Address: University of Trento, Physics Department | Via Sommarive 14, 38123 Trento – Italy