Curriculum Vitae
I was trained as a theoretical physicist at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, mainly focusing on quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. In 2012 I graduated with a thesis on coarse-grained models for star polymer solutions under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Pelissetto. That same year I enrolled in the Physics Ph.D. program at “La Sapienza”, always under the supervision of Prof. Pelissetto, and in 2016 I defended my thesis on coarse-grained models for polymer solutions and colloid-polymer mixtures.
From 2016 to 2018 I was a postdoc in the Theory Department (director Prof. Kurt Kremer) of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, in the “Biomolecular simulations” group led by Dr. Tristan Bereau. In the MPIP, I developed high-throughput methods for the exploration of chemical compound space via molecular dynamics simulations.
From January 2019 I am part of the VARIAMOLS research group in the Physics Department of the University of Trento, working on the development and application of Deep Neural Networks for the characterization and modeling of biomolecules.
Here is my full CV.
Research interests
Theoretical Physics, Computational Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Liquid State Theory, Condensed Matter, Soft and Biological Matter.
Email: roberto.menichetti _AT_ unitn.it
Office phone: (+39) 0461 283367
Address: University of Trento, Physics Department | Via Sommarive 14, 38123 Trento – Italy