Topology in soft and biological matter

L. Tubiana et al., Topology in soft and biological matter, Physics Reports (2024)

Prof. Luca Tubiana is the lead author of a comprehensive review, involving more than 50 authors, that recapitulates the current state of the art on the topic of topological problems in the context of soft and biological matter. This review offers a detailed, yet accessible entry point for anyone interested in understanding the role that entanglements (knots, braids, etc.) can play in systems as diverse as proteins, DNA, liquid crystals, and plastic materials.

The review is the crown jewel of the EUTOPIA COST action network, hosted by the University of Trento and coordinated by Luca Tubiana, and summarises to a great extent the knowledge and methods that different fields – from mathematics to physics, from biology to materials science – have gathered to address the complex impact that topology can have on their systems of interest.

Hereafter we provide the links to commentaries on the article published by the University of Trento, the University of Pauda, and the University of Wien.